What Are Ovarian Cysts?

Ovarian Cysts are sacs of tissue that are present in the ovary that can be fluid-filled, semi-solid, or solid. Naturally, certain types ovarian cysts, known as Functional Cysts develop as part of  the menstrual cycle, such as corpus luteal cysts, whereas others known as Pathological Cysts develop spontaneously and cause symptoms requiring surgical intervention.

What Are The Signs I Need A Cystectomy?

The indication that a cystectomy is necessary depends on several factors such as:

  • Symptoms caused by the cysts and their severity
  • The size and location of the cysts.
  • Wishes for future pregnancies.
  • The age of the patient.
Cirugía España Dr. Lucas Minig

Is there a non-surgical treatment for Ovarian Cysts?

With functional (hormonal) ovarian cysts, it is recommended  to wait for 2-3 menstrual cycles to see if the cysts resolve spontaneously, which occurs in the vast majority of cases.

Hormonal treatments with oral contraceptives or progesterone have not been shown to increase the chance of the resolution of functional or hormonal ovarian cysts.

In certain highly selected cases, the possibility of vaginal drainage (or emptying of the cyst) may be considered. In these cases, there should be no type of suspicion of malignancy of the cyst and the patient should be aware of the potential risk of the cyst forming again.

Watch on Youtube How is an ovarian cyst removed laparoscopically? Dr. Lucas Minig

How to remove the ovarian cysts laparoscopy. Spain. Lucas Minig

How is a Laparoscopic Cystectomy performed?

Today, cystectomies are usually performed using minimally invasive laparoscopic surgery in almost all cases. The procedure is done through small 5 – 7 mm incisions, rather than one large incision as has been the case with traditional “open” surgeries previously.

Through an incision in the navel, a tiny camera is inserted that allows the surgeons to see inside the abdomen using an external monitor. 2 to 3 more 5mm incisions are made through which the laparoscopic instruments are inserted to perform the surgery.

Once the cyst has been removed from the ovary, it is placed in a small sterile bag, and is removed from the body through the umbilical incision made previously. By covering the cyst in a small bag, the risk of spreading potentially malignant tissues or infection is minimized in the event that the cyst is of malignant origin, and the aesthetic impact is reduced since no additional incisions are made to remove the cyst. The cyst is then sent off for a pathological scan to determine the cyst’s composition and cellular origin.

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How long does it take to perform a Laparoscopic Ovarian Cystectomy?

Usually the duration of a Laparoscopic Ovarian Cystectomy varies depending on the size of the cyst to be removed. In general, the average time is usually 30 – 60 minutes, also depending on the presence of adhesions of the cyst to neighboring organs. In all cases, patients require general anesthesia to perform this procedure.

Hospitalización Por Cirugía Ovarios Laparoscópica Dr Lucas Minig

Recovery After A Laparoscopic Ovarian Cystectomy

Typically, in the absence of postoperative complications, the hospitalization time is usually one day. In some cases, however, patients can be discharged on the same day after surgery. During admission, all patients will be seen by Dr. Minig regularly to monitor their recovery until being discharged from the hospital.

Patients can go back to their daily activities and the usual movements that they made prior to surgery progressively, as often as the pain allows.

Advantages of Ovarian Cystectomy:

Some of the advantages of performing a Laparoscopic Cystectomy surgery are:

Less postoperative pain and short hospital stay, between 12-24 hours.

Less chance of wound infections.

Better aesthetic result.

Less probability of post-surgical adhesions.

It is not recommended for large cysts or those with suspicion of malignancy. Not all professionals are trained to perform it and must go to centers and professionals trained and experienced in minimally invasive surgery.

An advantage of the laparoscopic cystectomy treatment process compared to laparotomic cystectomy using a conventional incision is that it has a very quick recovery due to the minimum of abdominal incisions

What happens after a Laparoscopic Cystectomy?

Following a cystectomy, most women experience relief from bothersome signs and symptoms, such as pelvic pain and pressure.

How to care for surgical wounds after surgery?

The testimony of Rocío operated on Laparoscopic Cystectomy.

Request an appointment with the specialist in Cystectomy in Spain, Doctor Lucas Minig.

Book an appointment online to perform the treatment by laparoscopic cystectomy in Valencia, if you are a foreign resident (outside of Spain) you can contact the expert in Hysterectomy Lucas Minig through the following link:
Online Consultation.

Frequently Asked Questions About Laparoscopic Cystectomy

What type of anesthesia is used for a Cystectomy?

General anesthesia is used for laparoscopic cystectomy and generally for abdominal cystectomy; it is also sometimes used for hysteroscopic cystectomy.

Use of the Laparoscope

The surgeon makes a small incision at or near the navel. He then places a laparoscope (a thin tube equipped with a camera) into the abdomen. The surgeon performs the Laparoscopic Cystectomy surgery with instruments placed through other small incisions in the wall of the abdomen.

How is the postoperative period of a Cystectomy?

Postoperative at home after Laparoscopic Cystectomy: The patient can move and return to their activities without making great efforts. In general, the recovery can be between one or two days. Sexual intercourse will be resumed when the doctor indicates it.

What exercises can I do after a Cystectomy?

In general, it is advised to rest for approximately 1 month after surgery with Doctor Lucas Minig for Laparoscopic Cystectomy, the patient will be able to walk on flat ground without problem, however, it is not advisable to perform exercises such as abdominal exercises or exercises that increase the abdominal pressure to avoid navel problems.

How to deflate the belly after a laparoscopy?

Eat slowly, chewing food thoroughly. Avoid foods that cause flatulence (dairy products, legumes, broccoli, cauliflower, etc.). Walk from time to time to help with digestion.

How long does it take for the ovary to heal after a cystectomy?

Once the Laparoscopic Cystectomy procedure is done you will begin to feel better and stronger each day in the recovery process, you may tire quickly and need analgesics (pain medication) for a week or two.
You may need 2-4 weeks to fully recover

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