Métodos Anticonceptivos

Contraceptive Methods

Some contraceptive methods are more effective than others.

The most effective way to avoid a pregnancy is sexual abstinence, meaning, refraining from having sexual intercourse. Anyway, during the first year of committing to abstinence, many couples end up getting pregnant because they engage in unplanned intercourse without using any type of protection.

Thus, it is a good idea, even for people not planning on engaging in sexual intercourse, to properly learn about ​​contraceptive methods.

Picking the best birth control method is a process that requires the evaluation of different aspects:

Particular expectations and preferences of each patient

Possible side effects of the method

Possibility of compliance as indicated by the doctor

Age, general health status, and any medical disorder of each patient.

Frequency of sexual intercourse.

The chance to have children afterward

The ability to protect against human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) and other sexually transmitted diseases (STDs)

If the method offers other health benefits apart from contraception

The different contraceptive methods are classified as follows:




Cervical mucus method.
Basal temperature method.
Lactational amenorrhea.


Vaginal ring.

Hormonal Contraceptives:

Oral contraceptives.
Skin patches.
Subdermal implants.
Intrauterine devices (IUD): copper and hormonal (MIRENA®).


Tube ligature

How to choose the most suitable contraceptive method for you

What are contraceptive methods

Contraceptive methods constitute a group of procedures used to avoid pregnancy, preventing fertilization. Contraceptive procedures use drugs, devices, and surgery.

What are the contraceptive methods for women?

There are many types of contraceptive methods for women. Among the most commonly used are:

Hormonal methods.

IUD or intrauterine device.

Barrier methods.

Emergency methods.

Surgical procedures.

Natural methods.

Hormonal contraceptive methods

Before using one of the hormonal contraceptive methods it is advisable to visit the gynecologist so he/she indicates the best one for you. This way, you can avoid risks, intolerance, and complications that can affect your health.

There are various hormonal contraceptive methods:

Oral contraceptives.

Contraceptive vaginal ring.

Contraceptive patch.

Hormonal contraceptive injection.

Emergency contraceptive method.

Oral contraceptives

This method relies on taking a contraceptive pill daily that contains one or two hormonal substances. Combined oral contraceptives have two hormones, estrogen and progestin. Their main purpose is to prevent pregnancy by inhibiting ovulation and is a safe method, with a 99% efficacy.

Oral contraceptives  have some advantages and disadvantages:

Advantages of oral contraceptives

Reduction of pain and bleeding during menses.

Regular and on-time menstrual cycles.

Improvement of body hair excess and acne.

Ovarian and endometrial cancer risk reduction.

Disadvantages of oral contraceptives

Need to take them daily, constantly, and without omissions.

Incompatible with the simultaneous consumption of some drugs.

Contraindicated in some patients.

Can elicit some adverse effects.

More information, contact us.

There are also oral contraceptives containing only one hormonal substance derived from progesterone and are indicated in some cases to reduce the risk of adverse effects of combined oral contraceptives.

Anillo vaginal anticonceptivo

Vaginal contraceptive ring

It is a flexible plastic ring that goes into the vagina and contains hormones that are released through the vagina during 21 days. At the end of this period, it is removed for 7 days for menses to happen. Its mechanism of action is inhibiting ovulation. Its effects and efficacy are similar to that of oral contraceptives and the contraceptive patch, approximately 98-99%.

Contraceptive patch

The contraceptive patch is a combined hormonal transdermal method. It uses a patch with hormones that is adhered to the skin and releases hormones. These go into the organism through the skin and into the bloodstream, so it has the same mechanism and hormonal effects as the vaginal ring and the pill because these also enter the bloodstream.

The patch needs to be changed every 21 days, and then, rest one week without it. It has high efficacy, but it can elicit a skin reaction or irritation, fall out, and in the summer, women tend to avoid its visibility and excessive sun exposure.

Parche Anticonceptivo

Hormonal contraceptive injection

The application of the hormonal substance is carried out through an injection every 2 to 3 months, which provides a long-lasting contraceptive effect.

Emergency contraceptive methods

Emergency contraceptive methods are the ones used to prevent pregnancy after sexual intercourse. They are to be used within 3 days after the sexual encounter, but the sooner it is taken, the greater its contraceptive efficacy. They can prevent up to 95% of pregnancies.

Circumstances in which it is necessary to resort to emergency contraceptive methods:

After maintaining sexual intercourse without protection or without using any contraceptive method.

When failure of the routinely used method is suspected (for example condom break, coitus interruptus…)

Incorrect use of the contraceptive method, such as forgetting to take some of the oral contraceptive pills.

In case of sexual abuse or rape.

Barrier contraceptive methods

IUD or intrauterine device

DIU o dispositivo intrauterino

The IUD or intrauterine device is a method used to prevent pregnancy. It is a small plastic T-shaped or anchor-shaped device. The Gynecologist introduces it inside the uterine cavity through the uterine cervix.

The IUD or intrauterine device can be covered with a copper spiral or with a synthetic material containing a hormonal substance released gradually into the uterus. It has a long-lasting action and an efficacy of 98 to 99%.

One of the advantages of the IUD or intrauterine device is that it frees you from having to remember to take the pill, change the patch, or change the vaginal ring. The IUD does not prevent STDs.

If you have not had children yet and you wish to have them in the future, ask our gynecologist to inform you about the risks of using an IUD.

Condón Femenino

Female condom

Condón Femenino Guia


Natural birth control methods

Currently, they are used scarcely for two reasons:

They are less efficient and safe to prevent pregnancy

They do not protect against STDs or sexually transmitted diseases

The basis of natural contraceptive methods in women is to avoid sexual intercourse during the fertile days, meaning during ovulation, which is the moment in the cycle with a higher risk of pregnancy.

There are various natural contraceptive methods such as:

The calendar method or menstrual cycle rhythm method, called the Ogino-Knaus method.

Billings’ method or cervical mucus method.

Basal temperature control.

Cervical mucus and basal temperature control, called the sympto-thermal method.


Abstinence is the only method that is 100% safe.

Among the natural contraceptive methods, there is also coitus interruptus o withdrawal.

Take into account you can get pregnant in some circumstances including:

Extravaginal ejaculation if there has been previous penetration

Maintaining intercourse during your menstrual period

Maintaining intercourse during your menstrual period

If it is your first sexual relation

Without having orgasms

Despite posterior vaginal douches

Regardless of the position during coitus

The most important thing before initiating any contraceptive method is being conscious of the decisions taken over each body, and being informed about the advantages and disadvantages of each of the methods. It is necessary to have enough criteria.

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Frequently Asked Questions About Contraceptive Methods

What are contraceptive methods and what are they for?

Contraceptive methods are substances, objects or procedures that prevent a woman from becoming pregnant. They enable birth control, helping couples decide whether or not they want to have children until they are ready.

What do contraceptive methods prevent?

– Protects against unwanted pregnancies, HIV infection and other Sexually Transmitted Infections.

What are the advantages and disadvantages of using contraceptives?

Advantages: It is easy to use, does not interfere with intimate contact, is a reversible method and does not alter the vaginal flora. Disadvantages: it does not protect against STIs, it can cause weight gain and it cannot be used in some situations such as liver problems or high blood pressure.

What are the benefits of using contraceptive methods?

Using birth control not only helps you prevent an unplanned pregnancy or, in some cases, prevent sexually transmitted infections, it can also provide many other benefits. Some of the most common benefits of using contraceptive methods are: They regulate the menstrual cycle.









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