Fertility-Sparing Treatments For Gynecological Cancers
It is estimated that almost 10-20% of women with gynecologic cancer are still of reproductive age. Additionally, women in developed countries are more likely to delay having children. While the recommended treatments for any type of cancer in the reproductive organs is more often than not incompatible with future pregnancies, numerous advances and investigations have been carried out in recent years and fertility-sparing treatment options are possible in certain cases.
What Is A Fertility-Sparing Treatment?
Fertility-sparing treatment in a woman with gynecologic cancer means preserving at least one of the ovaries and the uterus.
How Are Fertility-Sparing Treatments Determined To Be An Option?
The viability of a fertility-sparing treatment for gynecological cancers are dependent upon a number of factors related to the disease being treated.
Patients who opt for a fertility-sparing treatment have strong motivation to carry a future pregnancy, and should be fully aware with the help of a professional to understand the risks, advantages, and disadvantages. Their condition and extent of their disease should be rigorously evaluated before initiating fertility-sparing treatment.
What Are The Risks Of Fertility-Sparing Treatments for Cancer?
A key factor to consider is the possibility of ensuring a strict follow-up after the treatment with the goal of early detection of a possible disease recurrence. The patient selection criteria are very strict, and we have to talk to the patient and her family members about the advantages and disadvantages of each procedure.
What Types Of Gynecological Cancers Can Be A Candidate For Fertility-Sparing Treatment?
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Opinions from patients with Fertility-saparing treatment
Doctor Lucas Minig specializes in Conservative Fertility Treatment in Valencia, Spain and is now accepting International Patients.
Get to know in depth the reviews from our patients with Fertility sparing treatments who have passed through the hands of Doctor Lucas Minig expert in fertility-sparing treatments in Spain.
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If you, or someone you care about, is looking to pursue fertility-sparing treatment for their gynecological cancer, please reach out to our office and schedule a consultation with Dr. Lucas Minig to discuss the most ideal treatment option for your condition and family planning goals.
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