Spain: the healthiest country to live

Spain is the healthiest country to live in. Recently, the World Health Organization (WHO), the World Development Bank, and the United Nations Organization (UN) have concluded that Spain is the healthiest country to live in among the 169 countries analyzed.
The main factors that were taken into account include life expectancy in each country, the obesity rate of the population, the proportion of people who smoke, as well as the quality of ambient air, and people’s access to drinking water.
Another interesting point was that Spain ranked 6th in the last study carried out a few years earlier. Thus, it is currently above countries such as Italy, Iceland, Japan, Switzerland, and even Sweden.
Although people’s economic income is one of the most important factors in this context, it is also true that a healthy diet and easy access to the health system based on effective disease prevention campaigns are equally relevant factors.
This, perhaps, explains why countries like the United States rank 35th in the ranking. As is well known, the United States is one of the countries with the highest level of economic income per person, but on the other hand, it is the country with the highest rate of obesity and with some of the most expensive health systems in the world.
In short, this report shows how a healthy diet, the Mediterranean in this case, together with easy access to an effective and high-level health system can extend life expectancy and thus become the healthiest country in the world.

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