What is the relationship between chronic stress and cancer?

For several decades, the relationship between chronic stress and cancer began to be seen. Cancer is cells’ biological and genetic alteration that causes their uncontrolled growth.

But why is cancer a genetic disease? Cancer is caused by mutation of genes that can be inherited at birth from our ancestry, or they can be acquired throughout life (80-100% of cases depending on the origin of cancer).

What factors cause genes to mutate throughout life and cause cancer?
The answer could lie in chronic inflammation of cells and their environment.

Here the traditional factors of inflammation would come into play such as cigarettes, the sun, or a diet with a high concentration of fats; provided that these are maintained over time.

While all of the above factors can cause chronic stress, this term may go far beyond those specific factors. Thus, chronic stress associated with the development of cancer could also be related to adverse external situations sustained over time, such as the death of a loved relative, a bad relationship with a family member or friend, an adverse situation at work, or any unresolved issues that give rise to a high level of concern.

But as long as any of these is maintained over time. And this is where the immune system plays a fundamental role.

Therefore, numerous scientific studies have observed that tumor cells have a high concentration of receptors for neurotransmitters associated with physiological stress, such as adrenaline, for example. The latter is normally raised in any external situation of stress.

That is why a good way to prevent cancer is to avoid or control all these external factors mentioned above that lead to a state of chronic stress maintained over time. economics per person, but on the other hand it is the country with the highest rate of obesity and one of the most expensive healthcare systems in the world.

In short, this report shows how a healthy diet, the Mediterranean in this case, together with easy access to an effective and high-level health system can extend life expectancy and thus become the healthiest country in the world.

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